WebMoney five years ago launched WMX – innovative title characters Bitcoin.
They provide not popular types of currencies or gold, but Bitcoin cryptocurrency. Such a move by WebMoney came in very handy. With all the popularity, operations with cryptocurrencies are associated with significant inconveniences. Many who dealt with them know that cash Bitcoin is not an easy task. Perhaps this article will seem useful to those for whom to buy webmoney and use an electronic wallet – a common thing.
Bitcoin (Bitcoin) – the first distributed decentralized currency. This means that it does not have a single issuer. Cryptocurrency support is provided by the Internet user community. Thanks to special algorithms, they have the opportunity to earn using the computing power of the PC. And the innovation on WebMoney will allow to exchange bitcoin for usual money.
Bitcoin has an open functioning algorithm. The transaction database is publicly available. You can check at any minute how much cryptocurrency is in circulation. The main difference between Bitcoin and traditional currencies is that it is not pegged to currencies and assets. Cryptocurrency rate is determined only by the balance between supply and demand. Anyone can carry out Bitcoin emissions, if he is ready to use the power of his computer equipment.
Creating an electronic wallet for this title bar is possible in Light, as well as Keeper Classic.
Soon it can be done in the Mini. At the same time, 1 Bitcoin = 1000 WMX. You can replenish WMX-wallet in such ways.
Purchase WMX by exchanging for other types of WM-currencies (for example, WMR). You can also Buy Bitcoin with credit card dollars.
Bitcoin transfer to Guarantor, which is INDX Transactions Ltd
On https://wmx.wmtransfer.com You can enter WMX title characters. The algorithm of action to replenish Webmoney is as follows.
Sign in to the site.
Get an address for bitcoin. After that, you can use the address to send Bitcoin from a Bitcoin client. In addition, to buy Bitcoin obmen, you can use third-party software, such as Electrum.
As you can see, it is no more difficult than, for example, buying wmz or another WM-currency
WMX-marks are credited only after 6 confirmations of the transfer. This means that the transfer is credited only after its 6-fold entry into the newly formed blocks of Bitcoin chains. This precaution is necessary to eliminate the risk associated with the reuse of cryptocurrency. It will take about an hour, sometimes a little more.
There is another option for buying WMX-signs with the help of the exchange wm.exchanger.ru. Here you can also exchange bitcoin using other types of WM-currencies. Like operations with other types of WebMoney title units, enrollment is almost instantaneous. The exchange rate on wm.exchanger.ru is comparable to the rates on other Bitcoin exchanges. The amount of commission for the transfer of WMX-marks is 0.8%. For example, if you transfer 100 WMX units to another user, then the size of the commission will be 0.8 WMX. Similarly, the commission from one Bitcoin will be 0.0008 Bitcoin. There is a limit on the maximum amount of commission charged – 5 WMX.
Operations with other title characters imply a significantly larger commission. 5 WMX is about twenty WMZ. If you want to withdraw wmz, the maximum commission limit is 50 units of the same name. The difference, of course, is obvious.
Now about how to withdraw Bitcoin on a Visa card in minutes
. The scheme of transition from WMX-signs to real money is as follows: Bitcoins – WMX – WMZ (or some other kind of familiar WebMoney currency) – ordinary money You can withdraw Bitcoin to a Visa card with absolutely no problems. The scheme for turning a cryptocurrency into a real sum of money, for example, BTC / UAH, is extremely simple. Therefore, the likelihood that the title WMX signs will be very popular with Internet users is very high. All you need is a wallet in the WebMoney system and some free time. If you use Bitcoins, with all their advantages, it was not very convenient, now this problem is completely eliminated. There will be much more people willing to buy Bitcoin in Ukraine. Using a standard Bitcoin client for an average user presents certain difficulties. For its comfortable use, you need a powerful PC with high performance and significant disk space. This is because the capacity of the entire chain of transactions exceeds 10 GB. Paying Bitcoin cryptocurrency is inconvenient if only because it takes some time to confirm a transaction. In addition, if you take BTC as payment for purchased goods, you will need very extensive programming skills.
Of course, there is a risk that the WMX signs will not gain popularity, will not be equal in prevalence to the usual currencies of the VM. Today, one thing is clear: the exchange of WMX cryptocurrency in the usual money has become much easier. It is no more difficult than exchanging wmz btc / usdt pairs or other types of currencies. Significantly expanded the possibilities of using cards.